Sunday, December 14, 2008


What an icky day! Some of you may have spent a portion of this weekend without power (and some of you spent Friday night dancing and Saturday resting). So, I'm revising the deadlines for the research process and paper as follows:

Outline--due Tuesday, December 16
Rough Draft--due Friday, December 19
Final Draft--due Wednesday, January 7

These new deadlines will also give us more time to go over examples and make sure that everyone understands how to create a quality paper.

**You should still plan on taking the exam/quiz on All My Sons and On the Waterfront tomorrow.


KMP said...

First, thanks for revising the dates. I was also wondering if the sample outlines were long enough to write a 4-6 page paper.

Gabbie (: said...

THANKS Mrs. Jarrett, you rock my world. HA and questionnn, is the sample outline what our should look like? like exactly?

JN said...

thank you. and i have the same question as gabbie

Emily said...

thank you and i had the same question as gabbie