Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Vocab--Quiz Wednesday

Here they are:

careen (v) to sway or tip to one side while in motion
appease (v) to pacify; to soothe
compliant (adj) obeying; yielding (in a submissive way)
euphemism (n) the substitution of a mild phrase for one that is considered harsher
frivolity (n) the state of being not serious
languishing (adj) being weak or feeble
mortification (n) 1) the feeling of humiliation 2) practicing self-denial to overcome sin
savvy (adj) well-informed
stupor (n) decrease of sensibility
solace (n) something that gives comfort or relief
tenuous (adj) unsubstantiated; weak
vulgar (adj) crude; unrefined
harmattan (n) dry, parched land in W. Africa
malevolent (adj) wishing evil on others
incipient (adj) beginning to exist
harbinger (n) anything that foreshadows a future event
effeminate (adj) having traits considered feminine
rhetorical (adj) concerned with style or effect
akimbo (adj) with hand on hip and elbow bent outward
panache (n) grand or flamboyant manner
proselytizing (v) attempting to convert someone
quixotic (adj) extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; a dreamer (like Cervantes’ Don Quixote
repatriate (v) to send back to one’s own country
discomfit (v) to disconcert; to be made uncomfortable
donnybrook (n) a wild brawl

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